Sapphire Coast Run - Merimbula / Pambula 20 Nov 18

Long time Register historian and Life Member Graeme White accompanied by Vivian made one of their regular trips to Merimbula recently. We were able to catch up with them a couple of times. The photos below show one trip to the "Top Pub" in Pambula and a visit to Stuart & Liz Baillie's place to view Stu's restoration of his TR2.

It was nice to be able to give Graeme a drive in a TR after many years since the last one.

L to R - Bob Watters, Liz Baillie, Graeme White, Vivian White, Stu Baillie, Joan Fletcher & Cherryle Watters.

It's all coming together but Stu's TR2 has had devious path on its journey from the factory in the UK.
It originally was a CKD kit delivered to Paris. From there it found its way to Sri Lanka where it languished
and received some strange body modifications. From there it came to South Australia and again languished for years until Stu spotted it for sale.

The original chassis was rusted beyond repair and Mal was able to organise one for replacement. The much modified panels have been
a trial to fit.

Stu was able to pick Graeme's brain for much appreciated advice.

The spare wheel well is one of the "mods" carried out in Sri Lanka.